
English citations of Floyder

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  • 2015 - Scarlett Stahl,, Floyd Norman's 80th Birthday Celebration
    In explanation Floyd said that he found strolling around helped with creativity, much more so than just sitting at a desk and thus the word Floydering began. Scarlett Stahl (2015 June 28) “"Floyd Norman's 80th Birthday Celebration"”, in[1], retrieved July 31, 2018
  • 2015 - Jamie Greene,, Great Big Beautiful Podcast: Episode 26 - Floyd Norman
    Floyd continues to work for Disney on a freelance basis (as he prefers it) and can still be found Floydering around the Disney Animation campus. Jamie Greene (2015 September 2) “Great Big Beautiful Podcast: Episode 26 – Floyd Norman”, in[2], retrieved July 31, 2018
  • 2016, w:Ryan Shore, (lyrics and music), “Floydering” (track 18), in Floyd Norman: An Animated Life (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack), performed by Ryan Shore:
  • 2016 - Alice Cronin,, Movie Review: “Floyd Norman: An Animated Life” Is An Almost-Fairytale
    We also get to follow Norman as he “floyders” around the Disney campus, which he stalks like a dapper would-be suitor even though his access pass was revoked long ago. Alice Cronn (2016 August 25) “Movie Review: “Floyd Norman: An Animated Life” Is An Almost-Fairytale”, in[3], retrieved July 31, 2018
  • 2016 - Will Ashton, Cut Print Film, Floyd Norman: An Animated Life
    His years of “floydering” (a verb coined by his non-employees) barely hold a candle to his vast professional accomplishments, especially within Disney’s historic walls. Will Ashton (2016 August 25) “Floyd Norman: An Animated Life”, in[4], retrieved July 31, 2018
  • 2016 - Kenneth Turan, L.A. Times, Disney's first black animator looks back in the incisive doc 'Floyd Norman: An Animated Life
    He's refused to let the fact that he no longer works at the place — he was let go when he was 65 -- stop him from doing what employees have come to call "Floydering," a kind of creative loitering/kibbitzing in the Disney offices. Kenneth Turan (2016 August 25) “'Disney's first black animator looks back in the incisive doc 'Floyd Norman: An Animated Life'”, in L.A.[5], retrieved July 31, 2018
  • 2016 - Frank Scheck, The Hollywood Reporter, Floyd Norman: An Animated Life': Film Review
    "He walks around the campus like he's Bob Iger or something," she comments, adding that the term she's coined for what he does there is "Floydering." Frank Scheck (2016 August 26) “'Floyd Norman: An Animated Life': Film Review”, in[6], retrieved July 31, 2018
  • 2016 - Noor Wazwaz, NPR, At 81, Disney's First African-American Animator Is Still In The Studio
    "I decided I didn't want to work at home," he says. "I missed the camaraderie of the big studio. I missed talking to people. I miss being around the action. And so ... I found an empty office and I moved in. I was probably in violation of some rule or law or whatever, but there I was." He continued to work in the office, and his colleagues affectionately coined the term "Floydering" — it rhymes with loitering — in his honor.
    NORMAN: So I guess my position is somewhat unique. I don't know what you would call me. Maybe I continue to floyder (ph) at Disney (laughter). Noor Wazwaz (2016 August 26) “"At 81, Disney's First African-American Animator Is Still In The Studio"”, in[7], retrieved July 31, 2018
  • 2017 - Jacqueline Lara,, Floyd Norman: It’s Not Over Until You Say It’s Over
    I had been pushed out of the game, and was determined to come back on my own terms. Part of this involved coming back to Disney and moving into an office where I didn’t belong. In truth, they could have called security and kicked me off studio property, but they didn’t, so I stuck around year after year. Animator Avi Tuchman affectionately coined what I was doing as “Floydering,” and its stuck ever since. Jacqueline Lara (2017 May) “"Floyd Norman: It’s Not Over Until You Say It’s Over"”, in[8], retrieved July 31, 2018
  • 2017 - Monique Jones, Birmingham Times How The First Black Animator At The Disney Studios Became A Legend
    In the world of animation, Floyd Norman is a verb. The term "Floydering" was developed by Norman's co-workers to describe his creative process, and it's that creative process that propelled the 81-year-old throughout his animating career.
    At 81 years old, Norman continues to “Floyder” by freelancing for Disney as a consultant and storyboard artist. Monique Jones (2017 February 15) “How The First Black Animator At The Disney Studios Became A Legend”, in[9], retrieved July 31, 2018