
English citations of Galician

Adjective: of or pertaining to Galicia (in Iberia)

  • 2009, D. R. Green, Coastal and Marine Geospatial Technologies, page 107
    The subsequent oil slicks that reached the coast resulted in severe ecological and economic consequences for the Galician coast and the Bay of Biscay.

Adjective: of or pertaining to the people of Galicia (in Iberia)

  • 1999 [1882], Emilia Pardo Bazán, The Tribune of the People, (translated by Walter Borenstein), page 253
    The "entierro de la sardina," the burial of the sardine, is a Galician custom popular in many villages on Ash Wednesday.

Adjective: of or pertaining to the Galician language

  • 2009, Eva Estebas Vilaplana, Teach yourself English pronunciation, page 18
    This vowel is similar to the Catalan sound in the words Jordi or sola and to the Galician sound in the words ola or po.

Adjective: of or pertaining to Galicia (in Central Europe)

  • 2006, Shulamit Ṿolḳov, Germans, Jews, and Antisemites: Trials in Emancipation, page 272
    Victor Adler was born in a small Moravian town on the Galician border.

Noun: native or inhabitant of Galicia (in Iberia)

  • 2000, Clare Mar-Molinero, The Politics of Language in the Spanish-speaking World, page 52
    In Argentina, too, there is a community of Welsh-speakers. Similarly some Galicians, Catalans and Basques have retained their mother tongues in ways that had they remained, respectively in the United Kingdom or Spain, might have been more difficult to do.
  • 2000, Ethnologia Europaea 30 (2): 52
    The Portuguese claim that a Galician would never be generous, as a Portuguese would. On their side, the Galicians tell the story of the Portuguese who invites some Galicians to dinner and then gives his guests very little to eat.

Noun: native or inhabitant of Galicia (in Central Europe)

  • 1927, Frank Alfred Golder and Emanuel Aronsberg, Documents of Russian History, 1914–1917, p 12:
    For, together with a negligible handful of Galicians, Russian in spirit, how many Poles, Jews, and Ukrainized Uniates we would receive! The so-called Ukrainian, or Mazeppist, movement is not a menace to us at present, but we should not enable it to expand by increasing the number of turbulent Ukrainian elements, for in this movement there undoubtedly lies the seed of an extremely dangerous Little Russian separatism which, under favorable conditions, may assume quite unexpected proportions.
  • 2004, Serhy Yekelchyk, Stalin's Empire of Memory: Russian-Ukrainian Relations in the Soviet Historical Imagination, page 50
    According to Manuilsky, some Galicians idealized the Austro-Hungarian past for the empire's promotion of national autonomy, yet the Habsburgs had discouraged Eastern Galicia's economic development, whereas the Soviet power would 'turn Lviv into one of the biggest industrial centres of Soviet Ukraine.'

Proper noun: the language of Galicia

  • 1998, Catherine Davies, Spanish Women's Writing, 1849-1996, page 63
    Rosalia de Castro became a crucial element in this early nationalist cultural campaign: she spoke Galician as her first language and she was literate, educated, and sympathetic to the group's progressive aims.