
English citations of Grecization

  • 1918, Carl Johan Fredrik Skottsberg, The Islands of Juan Fernandez, page 346:
    ... Grecization continues to our day in Thessaly and in southern Macedonia . But beginning with the fourteenth century the most important process of assimilation was the Grecization of the Albanians in Greece - in the Peloponnesus , in []
  • 2011 April 15, Theodora Dragostinova, Between Two Motherlands: Nationality and Emigration among the Greeks of Bulgaria, 1900–1949, Cornell University Press, →ISBN, page 95:
    ... Grecization among this population made uniform policies impossible. In the 1910s Bulgarian activists believed that some grâkomani in Western Thrace were “just about irrevocably Grecisized [toku-rechi okonchatelno pogârcheni],” but they []
  • 2023 January 17, Christopher I. Beckwith, The Scythian Empire: Central Eurasia and the Birth of the Classical Age from Persia to China, Princeton University Press, →ISBN, page 331:
    ... [] -peithēs is a clear Grecization of the second element in both names, which have influenced each other, producing “Ariapeithēs” and “Spargapeithēs”. However, for the former we also have the Latin transcription -pitus in Scolapitus, not mentioned by Schmitt []