
English citations of Gudtyde

  • 1891, Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History, volumes 5-6, The Register of Sir Thomas Botelar, Vicar of Much Wenlock, page 130:
    1539. Henstreys yate in Wylley.
    13th July Reliques Sonday.
    The last day but one of Feb. being Gudtyde Sonday [i.e. Shrove Sunday, Quinquagesima].
  • 1918, Liverpool Town Books: Proceedings of Assemblies, Common Councils, Portmoot Courts, &c., 1550-1862, volume 1, page 107 and subsequent glossary:
    [10] For the recepte of all accomptes they doe apoynte ii persons in every strete, and they to receyve and dilyver up theyr accomptes before the daye called Fastons Eve or Gudtyde nexte, and debters to bryng in theyr money as well as theyr accomptes, or els stresses to be taken.
    Gudtyde (Good-tide, i.e. Shrove Tuesday and Christmas Day) and Gudtydmonday (Good-tide Monday, the day before Shrove Tuesday)