
English citations of Lemakot

the language 'leu'

  • circa 1975, Clive H Beaumont, Grammar of the Lemakot language on New Ireland (translation of G. Peekel's unpublished 1915 manuscript, Grammatik der Lamekotsprache)
  • 1988, Josef Stamm, Clive H. Beaumont, Lavongai materials, page 24:
    I found that Lemakot boys learned to speak Lavongai very quickly, but it was always Lemakot language with Lavongai words.

tribe, village

  • 1988, Josef Stamm, Clive H. Beaumont, Lavongai materials, page 24:
    I found that Lemakot boys learned to speak Lavongai very quickly, but it was always Lemakot language with Lavongai words.
  • 2006, G W Trompf, Religions of Melanesia: A Bibliographic Survey, page 284:
    Most important among the experiences Biro recounts are those of Lemakot funeral ceremonies in which women - like those in the case of the Indian suttee - become part of the funeral pyre of their husbands; []
  • 2011, Dominic Smith, Bright and Distant Shores, page 106:
    The Lemakot in the north strangled widows and threw them into the cremation pyres of their dead husbands. If they defeated potential invaders the New Irish hanged the vanquished from banyan trees, flensed their windpipes, removed their heads, left their intestines to jerk in the sun.