
English citations of MSTable

Adjective: "(fandom slang) that lends itself to being MSTed"

1995 1996 1997 2001 2003
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1995 April 26, Roger M. Wilcox, “Re: Let's think of movies for Season 7!”, in[1] (Usenet):
    The entire SF video section looked MSTable to me.
  • 1996 March 31, Soundwave [Chad Gould], “Re: Movies you'd like to see...”, in[2] (Usenet):
    But other then that, the best shows probably would be your generic series, from Melrose Place (which has REALLY gotten MSTable the last time I saw it.
  • 1996 July 9, jpdox, “Re: This month's Selections”, in[3] (Usenet):
    You're referring to the Quatermass series? Ah... I remember seeing those... and what I remember would all be MSTable....
  • 1996 July 14, TrustElvis, “Re: Why not "Mist" some A-movies?”, in[4] (Usenet):
    Anyway . . . I think they should do "A Clockwork Orange" or "GoodFellas." Do actually good movies, because, if you think about, anything is MSTable.
  • 1996 August 28, Perri Mongan, “Re: Bot Fodder from the SFC Movie Vaults”, in[5] (Usenet):
    Unfortunately, I don't think this film, or others in the "horny teens in peril" genre, really qualify as truly MSTable.
  • 1996 December 10, Stephen Cooke, “Re: Bot Fodder from the SciFi Movie Vaults”, in[6] (Usenet):
    The Abyss is a fine movie (but only in its full-length director's cut version, IMHO), but you've gotta admit there's plenty of MSTable material to work with.
  • 1997 January 9, Douglas Barkes, “Re: John Saxon in Mitchell”, in[7] (Usenet):
    Aliens abducted him so he could become the intergalactic warlord in the very entertaining (and highly MSTable) Battle Beyond the Stars.
  • 1997 July 29, Dan Baldwin, “Re: Movies that are ripe for MiSTing”, in[8] (Usenet):
    Dracula vs/meets Billy The Kid and Jesse James meets Frankenstein's Daughter, either/both of which are eminently MSTable.
  • 2001 May 21, dhmac, “Pre-empted for Attack of the 50-foot Woman”, in[9] (Usenet):
    SciFi is pre-empting MST3K this weekend to, instead, show one of the most MSTable movies ever made: Attack of the 50-foot Woman.
  • 2001 June 24, Biffbaxter5891, “Re: Hypothetical Season 11”, in[10] (Usenet):
    I just saw a very MSTable and hilariously confusing Indiana Jones rip-off called, "Alan Quartermain and the city of Gold."
  • 2001 July 13, Rick Gutleber, “Re: SciFi Schedule”, in[11] (Usenet):
    The best sign of MSTable material is when the filmmakers take themselves too seriously.
  • 2003 April 5, Petrea Mitchell, “Re: Fan fics?”, in[12] (Usenet):
    That would be a bad choice, then. I have to say, I've skimmed a few HP fanfic archives looking for MSTable material, and I haven't yet found anything that was pathetic enough in the right ways.
  • 2003 April 19, Freezer, “[MSTing] Bishoujo Senshi Sour Lemon - Part 1”, in[13] (Usenet):
    This is my first foray into what could be considered one of the bedrocks of MSTable material - the Sailor Moon lemon.