
  • 1996 October 23, Chuck Cochems, “REQ: Metroid style game for PC?”, in[1] (Usenet):
    Metroid is one BIG episode, with MANY rooms, and divided into a few major areas, which you can pass freely between. For the game to be considered Metroid-like, you would hae[sic] to be able to backtrack to the previous episode.
  • 1997 October 2, Ricky Wayne Brown, “Castlevania: Symphony of the Night”, in[2] (Usenet):
    It's chock full of tight play control, with oodles of powerups and special moves (pulled off with Street Fighter-like button/pad combinations). But there's much more than just Metroid-like gameplay. You can transform into a wolf, a bat, and even a mist. By transforming into a mist you can slip through otherwise impenetrable bars.
  • 1998 July 28, Naz Reyes, “Who's buying Conker's game?”, in[3] (Usenet):
    What's kinda weird is that Banjo-Kazooie could have been Metroid if it was only dark and gloomy. The platform-style and execution, plus the morphing into animals in BK does remind me of some type of Metroid engine. Weird, huh? :) So, how about a Metroid-like game with the Banjo-Kazooie engine?????!!!!! Yea!
  • 1999 March 25, Benjamin, “New Castlevania worth buying”, in[4] (Usenet):
    While I like the idea okay and the Metroid-like structure of the game, having Alucard as the main character really butchered the game for me. I have yet to play the new Castlevania, but I'm happy it kept the "guy and whip" formula that Symphony of the Night abandoned. I my favorite is still Castlevania II: Simon's Quest for the NES.
  • 2000 April 19, James Sutherland, “Nintendo 64 games”, in[5] (Usenet):
    You might hate it, so get it from EB or something, but I thought Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness was great. It's level-based, like the SNES ones, rather than the Metroid-like PS version, but it's really well done, IMO.
  • 2001 March 28, James Sutherland, “Castlevania: Circle of the Moon”, in[6] (Usenet):
    Essentially, this is Castlevania: SOTN with a new map and some new features. It has the RPG elements of the PS title: the experience, stats, levels, items, equipment and whatnot, and also keeps the free-roaming Metroid-like big map structure. So basically, then, it's fantastic, and exactly what I wanted it to be. Unless something goes wrong with it further in (I've only played for about 30 minutes so far), I'm going to say that this is my favorite GBA title so far.
  • 2002 November 26, Leon Dexter, “for those who played both Halo and Metroid...”, in[7] (Usenet):
    I don't think Splinter Cell is very Metroid-like. I'd say it's even more different from Metroid than Halo is.
  • 2007 March 26, Martin Linklater, “Castlevania, Want, Bin”, in[8] (Usenet):
    I just don't 'get' Castlevania. Is it really just a Metroid-like platformer or am I missing something ? I must admit to not giving it that much time, but it just didn't grab me in any way.
  • 2007 July 2, James Sutherland, “First Play, Want, Bin of July”, in[9] (Usenet):
    Megaman ZX (DS) - Despite the crappy map system, this is actually really good. I've finished it now on easy, and I'm playing through again on normal with the second character. The Metroid-like structure works very well for Megaman, which has always had the idea of getting abilities from killing bosses. Just now, they're used to get to new map areas as well as for doing more damage.
  • 2009 December 28,, “Shadow Complex alike?”, in[10] (Usenet):
    Metroidvania was what people called the Metroid-like Castlevania games, to distinguish them from the linear type of Castlevania game. Then, for some reason, people started using the word to mean Metroid-like games in general. It doesn't make sense and very slightly irritates me every time I read it.
  • 2014 December 31, Russell Marks, “The 2014 end of year thread”, in[11] (Usenet):
    I'm also curious to see how the new Amplitude, the Metroid-like indie Axiom Verge, and Farsight's take on The Addams Family for The Pinball Arcade turn out.
  • 2017 September 14, Andrew Webster, THE ENDURING INFLUENCE OF METROID[12]:
    With that release, director Koji Igarashi invigorated the long-running gothic action series by introducing a Metroid-like structure, in which players were forced to navigate a massive castle, unlocking new abilities to open up more areas to explore.
  • 2019 June 29, Tristan Jurkovich, Ranked: The Best Modern Metroidvanias (That Aren’t Castlevania Or Metroid)[13]:
    Most of these games are more along the lines of a Metroid-like adventure rather than a Castlevania one.
  • 2020 September 30, Shaun Musgrave, The 10 Best Metroidvanias for Nintendo Switch – SwitchArcade Special Edition[14]:
    Axiom Verge isn’t so much a Metroidvania as it is a pure Metroid-like.