
English citations of Norvego-

  • 1917, Sir Norman Lockyer, Nature, page 355:
    On November 27 the Finnish entomologist, Dr. B. R. Poppius, died at Copenhagen, where he was acting upon the Norvego-Swedish Committee on the Grazing-grounds of Reindeer. He was only forty years old.
  • 1955, The American-Scandinavian review - Volume 43, page 304:
    As might have been expected, young Mr. Doggson had become a Norvegophile through attending the Oslo Summer School shortly after the war.
  • 1955, Jonas Mekas, Film Culture, page 14:
    Simplicity and unpretentious acting are also the qualities of the Norvego-Yugoslavian Road of Blood, directed by Kare Bergstrom, and the Israeli film Hill 24 Doesn't Answer, shot in an intelligent, convincing manner by Thorold Dickinson.
  • 1961, Lilli Gjerløw, Adoratio Crucis, page 106:
    [] were translated into the Norvego-Icelandic vernacular. The exposition of the Mass of the Gemma anime forms part of the oldest extant Norwegian manuscript, AM 619 4to, which was penned about 1200; ...
  • 1966, Downs, Sandra, Brian W. Downs, Modern Norwegian Literature 1860-1918, page 41:
    The smarter technique accords well with the vivid, impetuous Norvego-American heroine, Bjornson's most complex 'character'.
  • 1980, Lilli Gjerløw, Liturgica Islandica: Text (→ISBN), page 21:
    A diplomatic edition and introduction (Utrecht 1977) (typescript edition). For a survey of the Norvego-Icelandic vernacular homilies with bibliography of text editions and textual studies, see T. Knudsen, article 'Homilieboker': KLNM 6, 657-66.
  • 1991, Doreen Taylor-Wilkie, Brian Bell, Norway, page 278:
    First to the rescue came the Norvegophile, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, who sent four ships laden with supplies and building materials.

Latin citations of Norvego-

  • 1725, John Bridges, Catalogus Librorum Johannis Bridges, Armigeri: Nuper Ex Hospitio Lincolniensi. Juzta Exemplar Catalogi Msti Quem Ipse Dum in Vivis Erat, Concinnari Fecerat. Adjicitur Appendix Msstorum ..., page 146:
    Philosophia antiquissima Norvego-Danica dicta Voluspa, quae est pars Eddæ Sæmundi Edda Snorronis antiquioris Islandicè & Latinè edita per eundem Refenium. 4to. Ibid. 1665.