
English citations of Puertopia

Proper noun: "Puerto Rico as a cryptocurrency tax haven"

2018 2019 2020 2021
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2018, Nellie Bowles, "Making a Crypto Utopia in Puerto Rico", The New York Times, 2 February 2018:
    The newcomers are still debating the exact shape that Puertopia should take.
  • 2018, Mimi Sheller, Mobility Justice: The Politics of Movement in an Age of Extremes, unnumbered page:
    [] to "crypto-currency" traders building their own version of a libertarian, tax-free "Puertopia" built on Bitcoin.
  • 2019, Marisol LeBrón & Yarimar Bonilla, Aftershocks of Disaster: Puerto Rico Before and After the Storm, unnumbered page:
    He talked about how colonialism is a war on the imagination, and how in these moments when you have opportunistic players coming in with their ideas for their “Puertopia” and plans for further privatization and deregulation, the legacy of colonialism has made it very difficult for Puerto Ricans themselves to come in and say, "No, this is our plan."
  • 2019, Aya de León, Side Chick Nation, unnumbered page:
    “I'm here with some of the guys from Puertopia. Come have a drink with us.”
  • 2020, Jeff John Roberts, Kings of Crypto: One Startup's Quest to Take Cryptocurrency Out of Silicon Valley and Onto Wall Street, unnumbered pages:
    Their arrival came as residents of the island struggled from the devastation wreaked by Hurricane Maria, but the young millionaires—some of them were billionaires—had another priority: creating "Puertopia."
  • 2021, Catherine Keller, Facing Apocalypse: Climate, Democracy and Other Last Chances, unnumbered page:
    According to Naomi Klein, such utopias for the few are hinted at in plans for “Puertopia,” whereby northern entrepreneurs profit from hurricane Maria's devastation of Puerto Rico.
  • 2021, Catalina M. de Onís, Energy Islands: Metaphors of Power, Extractivism, and Justice in Puerto Rico, page 210:
    Puerto Rico has become a hotbed for this virtual currency as ultra rich advocates, such as Brock Pierce, flocked to their Caribbean “Puertopia” to evade taxes and to maximize their blockchain profits.