English citations of Q+

Proper noun: "(QAnon) Donald Trump"

2019 2020 2021 2022
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
    • 2019 July 5, trseeker, “I just found the collapse of the Twin Towers sequenced on US currency issued before 9/11/2001.”, in Reddit[1], conspiracy, archived from the original on 2022-10-06:
      Q is definitely a group who has regular contact with President Trump. Q+ is most likely President Trump.
    • 2019 December 11, greenepc, “New pizzagate connection: Tamera luzzatto exposed (one of the women from the Podesta emails)”, in Reddit[2], conspiracy, archived from the original on 2022-10-06:
      Correct Q does as one doesn’t want to do that directly also Q+ is Trump.
    • 2020 May 3, buckeyefrankmp, Twitter[3], archived from the original on 2020-06-02:
      a message from Q+ #Qanon #qplus #Trump2020
    • 2020 June 7, GodWins1776, Twitter[4], archived from the original on 2022-10-06:
      Q+ Message to Patriots. #QPlus #Qanon #FlagsOut #WWG1WGA
    • 2020 October 4, PhilipinDC, Twitter[5], archived from the original on 2020-10-04:
      At least one conspiracy theorist has arrived here at Walter Reed. For QAnon believers “Q+” is President Trump.
    • 2021 January 27, kenodinks, “No one talking about trump creating office of the former president”, in Reddit[6], conspiracy, archived from the original on 2022-10-06:
      Trump out here larping 😂
      I'm convinced he really is Q+
    • 2021 November 2, greenepc, “Trump: “Israel doesn’t even control Congress anymore!””, in Reddit[7], conspiracy, archived from the original on 2022-10-06:
      Q said "We have it all", and Trump is Q+, so Trump and whoever the Q are have control.
    • 2021 December 25, g8rb81, “It's my opinion that anyone dooming on Trump (Q+) should be deported,”, in Scored[8], GreatAwakening, archived from the original on 2022-10-06:
      but that's just me. .. He's fighting an actual information war and they're whining about his rhetoric? Piss off.
    • 2022 June 18, SkiSkiUSMC, “Am I hearing things or did Q+ just pretty much say that we’re watching a movie?! Time stamp 43:05”, in Scored[9], GreatAwakening, archived from the original on 2022-10-06:
    • 2022 June 21, 7Nick9, “Beautiful picture of Q+ and family !!”, in Scored[10], GreatAwakening, archived from the original on 2022-10-06:
    • 2022 June 21, AussieSpectator, “Beautiful picture of Q+ and family !!”, in Scored[11], GreatAwakening, archived from the original on 2022-10-06:
      Baron is Q Trump is Q+
      It's been right in front of us this whole time!
    • 2022 July 4, Cozette, “Q / Q+... Same question for us... Seems like they want us to dig into Cassidy Hutchinson...”, in Scored[12], GreatAwakening, archived from the original on 2022-10-06:
      "Come on guys".
      No thanks.
      This comment " is obviously " psyop induced.
      "Doesn't read like old Q pistings". 😂😂😂
      Preying on gullibles and low info newbies. As Q+ says, " disgusting". Feel ashamed. Repent.
    • 2022 August 11, aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve, “Q+ is describing to 'them' in code how he successfully coordinated with patriots within the DOJ and FBI to legally enter information into court. The FBI were GIVEN THE KEYS, LOL.”, in Scored[13], GreatAwakening, archived from the original on 2022-10-06:
    • 2022 September 14, catsfive, “PSA: As GEOTUS directs more attention on our movement, our memes, and your research, their disruption campaigns will intensify! Many of you are getting tagged and heckled on a daily basis, now. Do we give a $#!+? Nope! DO IT, Q+! YOUR DIGITAL SOLDIERS ARE READY!”, in Scored[14], GreatAwakening, archived from the original on 2022-09-15:
    • 2022 September 14, oneunderscore__, Twitter[15], archived from the original on 2022-10-06:
      This is how QAnon boards are reacting to Trump's recent overt interest in their movement.

      This post is stickied to the top of the page by a moderator.

      (Q+ and GEOTUS, which stands for God Emperor of the United States, both refer to Trump.)

      "Your digital soldiers are ready."
    • 2022 September 28, purkiss80, “President Trump just posted a CONFIRMED 2 year Delta!!!! DOIT Q+... He reposted the video entitled “This video will get Donald Trump Reelected”... Q Drop 4786, dates September 28, 2020...”, in Scored[16], GreatAwakening, archived from the original on 2022-10-06: