English citations of Ratboy

Proper noun: "(X-Files fandom slang) the character Alex Krycek from the X-Files"

1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 2014 2016
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1994 October 22, Beth Wilson, “Where are all the posts? (my musings on 'Ascension')”, in alt.tv.x-files[1] (Usenet):
    Hmmm, my interpretation was that it was him that was just on the phone to Ratboy and that he just hadn't hung up until then.
  • 1995, Brian Lowry, Chris Carter, & Sarah Stegall, The Truth is Out There: The Official Guide to the X-Files, page 88:
    Krycek's traitorous doings earned him the nickname "Ratboy" along the Internet, as well as a small cadre of admirers who call themselves "The Ratnicks."
  • 1996, Susan J. Clerc, "DDEB, GATB, MPPB, and Ratboy", Deny All knowledge: Reading the X-files (eds. David Lavery, Angela Hague, & Marla Cartwright), page 37:
    Do you know who Ratboy is?
  • 1997 April 29, Merna/Michael Anderson, “Re: Laurie's Progress (wasRe: ACK! That Laurie Holden...)”, in alt.tv.x-files[2] (Usenet):
    That's probably because Ratboy is COOL in the extreme.
  • 1998 October 28, JourneyToX, “Re: Are Skinner fans more mature? (Was Re: Who are you kidding)”, in alt.tv.x-files[3] (Usenet):
    Bill Mulder dies in Anasazi, before Paper Clip, and during that time frame Ratboy worked for the Consortium.
  • 2014, Deborah Kaplan, "Construction of Fan Fiction Character Through Narrative", in Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet (eds. Karen Hellekson & Kristina Busse), page 143:
    But this Krycek—self-consciously multivoiced, focalizing as a fan reader through his obsession with Mulder, Ratboy yet sympathetically damaged—is carefully constructed as a recognizable source character interpreted in a new light.
  • 2016, Natalie Clubb, The X-Files: The Official Collection - The Agents, The Bureau, and The Syndicate, page 144:
    Given his credentials, Ratboy seems like the perfect candidate for the job.