Citations:Red Sea

English citations of Red Sea


  • 2016, Carrie Aarons, Lost, →ISBN:
    After disposing of the ruined boxers, and checking to make sure my makeshift bed isn't covered in my Red Sea, I wad up several balls of toilet paper and coat the bottom of a new pair of boxers with them. It'll have to do for now. Thank the Lord Tucker isn't anywhere to be found when I finally make it out of the cabin to search for period supplies.
  • 2021, Raynesha Pittman, Carl Weber's Kingpins: West Coast, Urban Books (→ISBN)
    "Ay, I'm throwing all this shit in a bag and taking it to the garbage. I don't know too much about the health of pussy, especially Asian wonton-soup pussy. I've swum in the Red Sea a few times to know blood clots the size of plums."

blood, but not menstruation-specific

  • 2009, Leane Owens, The Raven's War, AuthorHouse (→ISBN), page 239:
    When her shoulder was free she screamed at the sharp sting of pain and collapsed to her knees where her own blood gathered in a warm puddle —a red sea of her pain and misery. Gravity increased and the ground, all though placid and still ...
  • 2019, Joel S. Baden, The Book of Exodus: A Biography, Princeton University Press (→ISBN), page 173:
    21 “The oppressive traitors of the south are rapidly being overwhelmed in the Red Sea of blood,” wrote a Lincoln supporter after his reelection in 1864.22 Vice President Andrew Johnson, before he became the reviled architect of ...
  • 2019, Su XiaFeng, Legend of Extraordinary: Volume 5, Funstory (→ISBN)
    Just at this moment, the ground beneath Ning Fan's feet suddenly liquefied, and a red sea of blood appeared. It stretched as far as the eye could see, and this sea of blood even had a terrifying suction force, if Ning Fan was not ...
  • 2021, Pastor Daniel Jones, Blood, Blood, Blood Jesus' Blood: Blood Road of Redemption, LifeRich Publishing (→ISBN)
    If a man wants to, he can sail on the dead sea of sin to hell or the red sea of blood to Heaven. The blood is in the Bible over seven hundred times, from Genesis to Revelation. The Bible is the only living book in the world.
  • 1888, Charles Morris, Half-hours with the Best Foreign Authors, page 113:
    "How can they refuse it without all the vermilion of my Red Sea mounting into their faces and covering them with shame ?" muttered Marcel, as he contemplated his picture.

Simile for something parting

  • 1952, 'The crowd parted like the Red Sea' - BBC News [1]