
English citations of Sandersism and Sanders-ism

Noun: "the political philosophy of Bernie Sanders"

2015 2016 2017 2018 2020 2021
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2015, Jonathan Bernstein, "Sanders's siren song in the Democratic debate", BusinessMirror, 21 January 2015, page A10:
    But Sandersism could easily become a path for becoming as substance-free as where the Republicans are.
  • 2016, Albert R. Hunt, "Win or lose, Sanderism isn't going away", BusinessMirror, 5 April 2016, page A11
  • 2017, Joel Berg, America, We Need to Talk, unnumbered page:
    I am not criticizing them as people—I greatly respect that most of them are dedicated progressives—but I am challenging Sanders-ism as a movement to acknowledge what it truly was and wasn't—and what needs to be done better in the future to achieve the "revolution" they seek.
  • 2018, Robert Gold, "What the left's surge means for the Democrats in 2020", The Highlander (University of California, Riverside), 4 December 2018, page 9:
    The DNC currently finds itself locked in a power struggle between Sandersism and Clintonism.
  • 2020, Amanda Wilcox, "Progressive candidates may inspire turnout", Old Black & Gold (Wake Forest University), 27 February 2021, page 9:
    It could be that Sandersism might be a safer bet to hang on to those demographics.
  • 2021, JD Foster, 2020: The Campaign Chronicles, unnumbered page:
    The epicenter of political orientation in both debates reflected the Sandersism championed by the Vermont Trotskyite.