
English citations of Songhayist

  • 1989, Acta Universitatis Carolinae: Philologica:
    His final solution (Songhay considered as an "isolated unit"), is certainly not so sensational, but it undoubtedly reflects the facts known in his time. While Westermann's comparative approach to the classification of this language is relatively known, his own descriptive work on Songhay, unfortunately, fell into the oblivion, even among most contemporary Songhayists (Westermann, 1920—1921).
  • 1999, Jeffrey Heath, A Grammar of Koyra Chiini: The Songhay of Timbuktu, Walter de Gruyter (→ISBN), page 380:
    Our taped dialogues tend toward the basilect, especially since some of the speakers recorded were simple farmers and tradesmen, while our directly elicited material tends toward the acrolect. The differences are not as vast as these terms {typically used in post-creole continua) might suggest, but the style issue needs to be kept in mind by serious Songhayists.
    • 1999, Jeffrey Heath, A Grammar of Koyraboro (Koroboro) Senni: The Songhay of Gao, Mali, Koppe:
      Songhayists in the west, too few in number to have their own meetings, still gather at Nilo-Saharanist conferences, but with the lingering suspicion that this may be a temporary arrangement. []