
English citations of Sternian

  1. Of or relating to the psychologists Clara and William Stern.
    • 2009, Werner Deutsch, edited by Wolfgang Mack and Gerson Reuter, Social Roots of Self-Consciousness: Psychological and Philosophical Contributions, Reference to self. A Sternian approach to the first steps in language development:
      The analysis is based on extended diary notes by William and Clara Stern concerning the development of their three children Hilde, Günther, and Eva.
  2. Of or relating to the psychologist Daniel Stern.
    • 2016, Aileen Webber, Breakthrough Moments in Arts-Based Psychotherapy, page 75:
      Within the three-way relationship of client–art–therapist, a Now Moment can arise because of the art and not require resolution within the therapist–client dynamic at all. In this sense it stands apart from the strict concept of a Sternian Now Moment.
  3. Of or relating to Gerald Stern, American poet.
    • 1990, Jane Somerville, Making the Light Come: The Poetry of Gerald Stern, page 31:
      In a typical Sternian double-scene, the speaker is also playing a record of the music.
    • 2016, Mihaela Moscaliuc, Insane Devotion: On the Writing of Gerald Stern:
      Alleys bulge, bridges press down, sidewalks and steps zigzag in all directions, while the Sternian spider-entity gestures and communicates with us and with him, theorizing, interrupting, refining, cursing, announcing, guiding.
  4. Of or relating to Fritz Stern, German-American historian.
    • 1997, Marion F. Deshmukh, Fritz Stern at 70, page 31:
      Think of the influence of Sternian coinages such as "the unpolitical German," "the politics of cultural despair," or of epigrams such as "Capitalism is too serious a subject to be left to the economic historians alone."