English citations of TGD

  • 2020 October 19, Kate Harding, Daniel S. Mason, Daryl Efron, Paediatric Handbook, John Wiley & Sons, →ISBN, page 556:
    In Australia, 1.2–2.3% of the population identify as trans or gender diverse (TGD). • Establish with the child or adolescent whether they have a preferred name and pronouns (he/she, him/ her, they/them) and respectfully use these to []
  • 2019 June 1, Fred F. Ferri, Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2020 E-Book: 5 Books in 1, Elsevier Health Sciences, →ISBN, page 582:
    DEFINITION Transgender or gender diverse (TGD) identity is an umbrella term when a person's perceived and innate sense of being male or female (i.e., gender identity) is at odds with the natal assigned gender based on chromosomes, []
  • 2019 January 14, Kieran C. O'Doherty, Darrin Hodgetts, The SAGE Handbook of Applied Social Psychology, SAGE, →ISBN:
    ... as trans* or gender diverse (TGD) and a rapid rise in the number of children and young people presenting to psychologists with gender identity issues (at their own instigation or prompted by concerned adults, such as parents).
  • 2021 March 15, Russell S. Kirby, Sarah Verbiest, Kotch's Maternal and Child Health: Problems, Programs, and Policy in Public Health, Jones & Bartlett Learning, →ISBN, page 284:
    Currently 1.3% to 2.7% of youth ages 13–17 and 0.6% of adults identify as transgender or gender diverse (TGD) (Herman, Flores, Brown, Wilson, & Conron, 2017). As social norms evolve and more children and youth feel comfortable exploring []
  • 2021 January 21, D. M. Maynard, The Reflective Workbook for Teachers and Support Staff of Trans and Non-Binary Students: Your School's Transition as Your Students Transition, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, →ISBN, page 17:
    ... gender diverse, gender expansive, gender creative, gender non-conforming, intersex, transgender/gender diverse (TGD), transgender and gender non-binary (TGNB), transgender non-conforming (TGNC), and identifying on the transgender []
  • 2021 July 17, Handbook of the Psychology of Aging, Academic Press, →ISBN, page 187:
    (Singh & Dickey, 2017), with less than 30% of a wide majority of TGD elders, placing them further at psychologists ... In a survey of gender diverse people over the age of 50, Cook-Daniels (2006) found that sexual violence and physical []
  • 2018 August 3, Courtney Finlayson, Pubertal Suppression in Transgender Youth, Elsevier Health Sciences, →ISBN, page 5:
    J. WHITEHEAD, MD • LISA SIMONS, MD As general awareness about gender diversity has increased over the past decade, more transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) youth and their families are seeking gender-related education, support, []
  • 2020 December 30, Alison R. Yung, Jack Cotter, Patrick D. McGorry, Youth Mental Health: Approaches to Emerging Mental Ill-Health in Young People, Routledge, →ISBN:
    Trans and gender diverse (TGD) people identify as a gender that does not align with the sex they were assigned at birth (see Box 18.2). Recent estimates suggest that 2.3%–2.7% of highschool aged []
  • 2022 March 18, Jane W. Ball, Joyce E. Dains, John A. Flynn, Barry S Solomon, Rosalyn W Stewart, Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination - E-Book: An Interprofessional Approach, Elsevier Health Sciences, →ISBN, page 7:
    Of note for practitioners, this means a practitioner should chopathologic approach to transgender and gender- diverse (TGD) care. not assume a patient's legal sex simply based on anatomy. This former historical approach was found to be []
  • 2021 May 17, Jessica Lapinski, Kristine Diaz, LGBTQ+Health, An Issue of Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice, EBook, Elsevier Health Sciences, →ISBN:
    Prevalence of transgender and gender diverse youth Although data estimating the number of TGD youth are lacking, recent studies suggest that the prevalence of transgender identity is significantly higher than previously thought.3 Data []
  • 2020 July 15, Motmans Joz, Timo Ole Nieder, Walter Pierre Bouman, Non-binary and Genderqueer Genders, Routledge, →ISBN:
    An early use of “gender diverse” can be seen in the Australian Journal of Human Rights in 2009. Although this article was outside the scope of the ... Some also abbreviated this from “transgender and gender diverse” to simply “TGD.
  • 2021 July 31, Damien W. Riggs, Shoshana Rosenberg, Heather Fraser, Nik Taylor, Queer Entanglements: Intersections of Gender, Sexuality, and Animal Companionship, Cambridge University Press, →ISBN:
    In this chapter, we focus specifically on trans and gender diverse (TGD) people. A significant body of contemporary research on TGD people contends with what is framed as the issue of a person's sameness following medical and social []