English citations of TIRF

Noun: acronym of trans-inclusive radical feminist

2013 2014 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2023
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2013 August 21, Claire's Outrageous Thoughts (@claireOT), Twitter[1]:
    I would love to know more TIRFs, but the ones I follow have almost all ended up being TERfs undercover!
  • 2014 June 4, Ingrid Birchell Hughes (@1ngi), Twitter[2]:
    FFS, have[sic] all my hero high-profile feminists have revealed themselves to be transphobes? Need to compile list of TIRFs instead of TERFs.
  • 2016 February 23, Eve Keneinan (@EveKeneinan), Twitter[3]:
    The term TERF exists to distinguish RFs who are TE from those who aren't TE. There are certainly TIRFs as well as TERFs.
  • 2017 November 30, Shannon Jones (@shannon_unit), Twitter[4]:
    Yes! Meminists[sic] and TIRFs both ignore biology. Can a statistically significant majority of violent crime spell anything other than tragic but inborn chemistry?
  • 2018 September 14, Dr James Pickles (@ReaditPickles), Twitter[5]:
    Radical feminism is not synonymous with trans exclusion and prejudice. Many of my friends and colleagues are TIRFS (trans inclusionary radical feminists). Don’t let the prejudice of a few taint your shine!
  • 2018 November 5, Gwen (@buttonsandfluff), Twitter[6]:
    Actually TERF was coined by TIRFs (trans inclusive radfems) who didn't want to be associated with the TE faction of RadFems.
  • 2019 January 7, Dr Ashley Nova (@DrAshleyNova), Twitter[7]:
    We hear so much about TERFs but never anything about TIRFs.
  • 2020 March 12, Mallory Moore (@Chican3ry), Twitter[8]:
    FWIW, I don't think TERF was coined by TERFs but by trans people responding to RadFems telling us radical feminism wasn't universally transphobic. Some TERFs adopted it as a "fuck you" to us, but almost no TERFs recognise TIRFs as genuine radical feminists at all
  • 2023 April 4, fae (@fera1woman), Twitter[9]:
    the way TIRFS have infiltrated radtwt this year needs to be study
  • 2023 April 10, Radfem Black (@RadfemBlack), Twitter[10]:
    TIRFs are a fringe group as well, TRAs sneer at them too
  • 2023 April 12, shawtyyyy (@kristenlacy7), Twitter[11]:
    This is who TIRFs are trying to include within feminism. Men? Especially ones that like to threaten women because they can't handle the truth? Men aren't women.
  • 2023 April 12, transsexual reiner (@Ari_Halberd), Twitter[12]:
    It's especially egregious when it comes from "TIRFs"; it's shocking how they can be so similar to the average libfem "ally". The moment you step out of line, the tranny eliminationist within them bursts forth.
  • 2023 April 13, skamdef (@skamdef), Twitter[13]:
    it often seems they think TIRFs secretly want to be TERFs but are just fighting against it to appear nice and inclusive.
  • 2023 April 13, Rad Lina (@LinaMeduza), Twitter[14]:
    TERFs use every chance they get to spin things in their favour and spread lies. You really think TIRFs support trans people to get cookies? Be for real. We support trans women because we are feminists. To be a feminist is to stand in solidarity with women. All women.