Citations:Tetragramma donaldtrumpi

Translingual citations of Tetragramma donaldtrumpi

  • 2016, William R. J. Thompson, Fossil Echinoids of Texas: A Monograph of Fossil Sea Urchins:
    The new genus is Craneipedina and the echinoids recognized and named herein are Cibaster texanus sp. nov., [] Tetragramma dentonensis sp. nov., Tetragramma donaldtrumpi sp. nov. []
  • 2017, trumpman, “Ridiculous Scientific Names #4 - Animals Named After Donald Trump”, in Steemit[1]:
    This is actually the first animal to be named after Donald Trump. T. donaldtrumpi is a species of fossil sea urchin discovered and identified by fossil hunter William R. Thompson, Jr. in 2016. ¶ Thompson found five T. donaldtrumpi fossils in the Glen Rose Formation over a period of two years.
  • 2018 December 19, Isaac Stanley-Becker, quoting Federico Kukso, “A blind, wormlike amphibian that burrows underground has been named after Donald Trump”, in The Washington Post[2]:
    In 2016, a restaurant owner, fossil hunter and author identified a new species of fossil sea urchins near Canyon Lake, in the San Antonio area. [] Tetragramma donaldtrumpi, un erizo de mar bautizado con el nombre del próximo presidente de EEUU.”
    Tetragramma donaldtrumpi, a sea urchin christened with the name of the next president of the US.”