Citations:Time Sharing Option

English citations of Time Sharing Option

  • 1970, Control Engineering, volume 17:
    Another package, Time-Sharing Option (TSO) for users of System/360 Models 50, 65, 75, 85, and 195 — provides time sharing concurrent with batch processing; [...]
  • 1972, Journal of Systems Management, volume 23:
    For example, IMB offers its Conversational Remove Entry (CRJE) at no cost, but leases its Time-Sharing Option (TSO) package.
  • 1989, Michael A. Murphy, Xenia Ley Parker, Handbook of EDP Auditing:
    In-house time-sharing systems, such as TSO (Time-Sharing Option), normally are used for on-line program development and maintenance rather than for application processing.
  • 1989, Bruce R. Elbert, Private Telecommunication Networks:
    The Time Sharing Option (TSO) of the IBM mainframes is very popular among users.