
English citations of Wishverse

1998 1999 2000 2005 2012 2015 2017
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  • 1998 December 20, jayembee, “Re: Buffy's "Wish"”, in[1] (Usenet):
    Since Buffy was still the Slayer in the Wishverse, Anyanka's spell prevented her from coming to the Hellmouth to stop the Harvest.
  • 1998 December 21, R Lawrence, “Re: Wish characters and the future”, in[2] (Usenet):
    I think the Wishverse was a bit too dark to make a good series, though.
  • 1999 January 19, Don Sample, “Re: Wow, Joyce was right”, in[3] (Usenet):
    Not really. Sure The Wish made it clear that things would be a lot worse if Buffy hadn't been doing her thing in Sunnydale, but in the wishverse Buffy was still out there slaying vampires.
  • 1999 February 4, H. G. Hettinger, “Re: The Buffyverse, Science, and Philosophy”, in[4] (Usenet):
    But if there was a prophecy, and it didn't happen in the Wishverse, that would kind of indicate again that the Buffyverse isn't totally deterministic.
  • 2000 March 4, Don Sample, “Re: Adam and Harmony”, in[5] (Usenet):
    The Wishverse vamps probably killed all the military, and police.
  • 2000 September 30, Franklin, “Re: Anya questions”, in[6] (Usenet):
    If Tara isn't really really human, and Anya is the product of the Wishverse, and Dawn is the product of another Wishverse, would Willow and Xander and Buffy be interested in a spell that "restores reality", should such a spell be found? Or is this the source of some interesting character conflicts?
  • 2005, Gaby Allrath, "Life in Doppelgangland: Innovative Character Conception and Alternate Worlds in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel", in Narrative Strategies in Television Series (eds. Gaby Allrath & Marion Gymnich), pages 144-145:
    Even though the later episode 'Doppelgangland' (Buffy 3.16) suggests that the 'Wishverse' exists parallel to the Buffyverse and that characters can move from one parallel universe to another by magic, none of the characters except vengeance demon Anyaka can remember anything about the other world.
  • 2012, Lewis Call, BDSM in American Science Fiction and Fantasy, unnumbered page:
    Specifically, the Wishverse creates Vamp Willow, the polymorphously perverse, sadomasochistic version of Willlow whose explicit textual kink is sanctioned by her status as an alternate Willow.
  • 2015, Pamela Achenbach, "A Tempting Narrative or a Temporal Gimmick: A Look at the Use of Time Travel in Unconventional Series", in Time-Travel Television: The Past from the Present, the Future from the Past (eds. Gillian I. Leitch & Sherry Ginn), page 64:
    In the Wishverse, many of the good characters have been turned bad or are dead.
  • 2015, Anne Jamison, Fic: Why Fanfiction Is Taking Over the World, page 132:
    Whedon couldn't resist the pull of the Wishverse either.
  • 2017, Kristina Busse, Framing Fan Fiction: Literary and Social Practices in Fan Fiction Communities, page 112:
    Examples include the Wishverse (Buffy the Vampire Slayer AU in which alternate universe episode 3.09 "The Wish" [1998] has become reality), []