
English citations of Wodanaz

the proto-Germanic god Odin

  • 2013, Neil Giles, Odin's Runes: The Definitive Rune Handbook, Starburst Publishing (→ISBN), page 210:
    [] his accomplishments, titles or creations, Wodanaz was a storm elemental, embodying the fury of the storm. Thus Wodanaz was a being whose core essence was of furious inspiration and catastrophic change. For the inhabitants of the ancient ...

unclear or to be sorted

  • 2013, Candi Holme, Ermentrude's Knot, (→ISBN):
    The women carried bowls of offerings to Wodanaz and placed them in the boggy mud at the entrance to the grove of sacred white ash trees. Their priestess stood by a stone altar near the trees, where three eagles looked on with intense stares  ...
  • 2013, Kevin Donald Biehn, Heart of a Hero the City of Ages, Trafford Publishing (→ISBN), page 429:
    Priests of Wodanaz ran to his aid. “You poor, poor brave soul, thank you for saving this talented musician. Wodanaz is in your debt for saving him.” Two of them pulled out the arrow carefully and another used some of Wodanaz's divine song to ...
  • 2016, David Anthony Durham, The Risen: A Novel of Spartacus, Anchor (→ISBN)
    Their role is to be different, though the plan includes them both. “Do this thing, and when you kill,” Spartacus had said, “kill for Crixus and for those who died with him.” The first death is for Crixus, Castus allows. Any after that, for Wodanaz.
  • 2016, Anthony Riches, Altar of Blood: Empire IX, Hodder & Stoughton (→ISBN):
    'Wodanaz, take him!' 'He ruled over us with a fair and strong hand!' 'Wodanaz, take him!' 'He made us stronger, to resist our enemies!' 'Wodanaz, take him!' 'His life was long and fruitful, and he fathered a strong son!' 'Wodanaz, take him!

(fantasy) given name?

  • 2018, Ravek Hunter, The Fallen: An action-packed romantic fiction full of magic and mystery during the time of Atlantis., Ravek Hunter Literary LLC (→ISBN), page 222:
    [] replied Wodanaz. Myrllin was noncommittal. “We will find out together.” He smiled. “Do you really think even a Named Demon can overcome the two of us?” “Not a chance.” Wodanaz's simple reply was riddled with sarcasm. “If I were to guess, ...