English citations of Zawra

  • 2006, Anthony Shadid, Night Draws Near: Iraq's People in the Shadow of America's War:
    ... “I have seen the great cities...but I have never seen a city of greater height, more perfect circularity, more endowed with superior merits or possessions, more spacious gates...than Zawra, that is to say the city of Abu Jaafar al-Mansur.”
Part of Baghdad
  • 2011, Victor Sasson, Memoirs of a Baghdad Childhood, page 52:
    A walk of some ten minutes from al-Zawra' cinema there was Roxy cinema, also on the left-hand side of the al-Rasheed Street.
  • 2013, Baghdad, page xxi:
    Oh visitors to al-Zawra', please do not come here. / Baghdad is no longer a refuge; no one is here anymore.
  • 2019, Sinan Antoon, The Book of Collateral Damage:
    Al-Zawra' City is on the eastern bank in Baghdad.