
English citations of acafandom and aca-fandom

Noun: "(fandom slang) the community or sphere of acafans"

2012 2013 2018
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2012, Matt Hills, "'Proper Distance' In The Ethical Positioning Of Scholar-Fandoms: Between Academics' And Fans' Moral Economies?", Fan Culture: Theory/Practice (ed. Katherine Larsen), pages 16-17:
    Rather than scholars being free to choose to act as differential interpretive communities with divergent norms and discursive practices (Brooker 2011), meaning that the identities cannot be united without losing sight of these contexts (or, indeed, losing sight of the precise micro-context within which such a union may seem more possible, e.g. TV Studies or fan studies where acafandom has arguably been normalised for a generation of researchers).
  • 2012, Robin Anne Reid, "Remaking Texts, Remodeling Scholarship", in Film Remakes, Adaptations and Fan Productions: Remake/Remodel (eds. K. Loock & C. Verevis), unnumbered pages:
    The productivity of such career moves (their cultural work) consists in opening the field of organized fan activities to ever more controversial self-descriptions. Since the emergence of "acafandom," these self-descriptions can overlap with explicit scholarly conflicts about popular narratives.
  • 2013, Ernest Mathijs, John Fawcett's Ginger Snaps, page 100:
    The feminist aca-fandom of Ginger Snaps needs to be seen in the context of an overall change in horror fandom demographics (where college-educated women now make up a near-majority faction).
  • 2018, Christopher E. Bell, "Introduction", in Inside the World of Harry Potter: Critical Essays on the Books and Films (ed. Christopher E. Bell), page 3:
    I wish what Jenkins asserts was entirely true, but in reality, I have lost count of the number of Harry Potter studies colleagues who have been challenged, marginalized, or outright threatened because of their publication and scholarship in this area. "Serious" scholars do not engage in acafandom.