
English citations of accuratenesses

  • (mention, but establishes that the plural is attested/expected since the 1800s) 1846, William Bolles, A Phonographic Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language: Abridged from the Octavo, page 22
  • 2001, Yan Zhang, Xiaohu Yu, An improved automatic frequency correction scheme for discontinuous pilot mobile communication system, in the proceedings of the Vehicular Technology Conference, 2001 (Spring; IEEE VTS 53rd, volume 3):
    The tracking time is about 6000 slots (3.75s) for the fix step AFC and it is only 500 slots (0.3 125 s) for the auto-adaptive step AFC. Furthermore, after tracking period, the frequency correction accuratenesses are different.
  • 2002, M. Y. Wang, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Volume 18, Issue 6, "Characterizations of localization accuracy of fixtures":
    The principal translational accuratenesses and rotational variances are defined for constructions of frame-invariant quality measures for a meaningful comparison of different locating schemes.
  • 2016, J Choi, "Spectral Analysis of Turn-by-Turn Data", Proc. of IPAC2016, Busan, Korea, 2016:
    In this paper, we review the various accuratenesses of such estimations depending on processes using exact sinusoidal data and apply the end-matching method to simulation and …
  • 2019, H Xu, "An Evaluation of One Class Classifier on Gene Expression Data::
    This gives MC better accuratenesses than other OSVM methods [77].
  • 2022, E Kurniawan, H Adinanta, "Deep neural network-based physical distancing monitoring system with tensorRT optimization", … of Advances in …:
    The outcomes demonstrated that YOLOv3 suggested the most suitable detection accuratenesses corresponded to the other two techniques. Despite that, the YOLOv3-Tiny performed …