
English citations of acephobe

Noun: "(neologism) a person who fears or has a negative perception of asexual people and/or human asexuality"

2018 2022
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2018, Claire Dwyer, "Asexual Awareness Week", The Scripps Voice, 1 November 2018, page 5:
    This is at the root of our oppression, that we are seen to be broken and then sometimes rejected by acephobes in the very community that is supposed to protect and love us, in the context of a world which feels like it doesn't always view us as fully "human."
  • 2022 February 7, Tyler Stevenson, “It is time to start celebrating Black asexuality in media”, in LGBTQ Nation[1]:
    Benoit was instrumental to my coming out. Seeing her courage and boldness in taking on acephobes who love to pathologize asexuality as a disorder and calling out practices like conversion therapy (of which aces are at a higher risk) gives me encouragement to step forward as well.
  • 2023 March 21, Michele Kirichanskaya, Ace Notes: Tips and Tricks on Existing in an Allo World, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, →ISBN, page 15:
    No book on how to navigate coming out as ace, or what to do after encountering an acephobe. No mainstream article that went beyond the Asexual 101s of how asexuality means “little or no sexual attraction to others.” Since realizing I was ace, I've felt I had to dig like an archaeologist, scouring through lists and []