
English citations of acephobic

Noun: "(neologism) relating to, characteristic of, or exhibiting acephobia"

2013 2015 2016 2017 2019
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2013, Lee Thomas, "LGBTQrazy: Why 'both' is a four-letter word", The Brunswickan (University of New Brunswick), Volume 147, Issue 6, 9 October 2013, page 10:
    This works the same way with other aspects of LGBTQ life: cisnormativity isn’t always intentionally transphobic, sexual normativity isn’t always intentionally acephobic, and so on.
  • 2015, George Norman, "Reclaiming celibacy", The Yorker (University of York), 5 July 2015, page 16:
    “Cold” and “emotionless” are simply acephobic and ignorant.
  • 2016, Chloe Coleman, "SU Officer Elect reported making transphobic remark", Forge Press, 6 May 2016, page 5:
    Snape also gave advice for those who would like to be involved with inclusivity in the Union: "The LGBT+ Committee will also be running inclusive language and "I'll go with you" workshops in the near future aimed at both LGBT+ people and allies with information on how not to be homophobic, transphobic, biphobic or acephobic and how you can support your fellow LGBT+ and trans students."
  • 2017, "Plus", Varsity, 3 February 2017, page 18:
    The relationship between these two parts of me is underpinned by homophobic and acephobic assumptions.
  • 2019, Samantha Billingsly, "The Gray Area: Another ignored minority", Sonoma State Star, 29 January - 4 February 2019, page 3:
    Even those in the LGBTQ+ community can be acephobic.