
English citations of adragonist

a person who does not believe in dragons

  • 1999 August 21, Jessica M. Wolfman, “A few questions for Christians”, in alt.atheism[1] (Usenet):
    If you *believed* in dragons, you'd be sacrificing virgins to keep them away, and offering tribute of gold and jewels to keep them from flaming you, and a bunch more other things. As an adragonist, you don't have any of these rules, or any others. Adragonism is simply a lack of belief in dragons.
  • 2002 December 19, "The Plasmatron", “I am not an atheist”, in alt.atheism[2] (Usenet):
    It is never the less what you are. Just as you are an afaerist, and an adragonist, and probably an aunicornist too.
  • 2003 January 4, Karl E. Taylor, “Reply to Hypocrisy”, in alt.christnet.atheism[3] (Usenet):
    You also provide no evidence for your lack of faith in the dragon. Ergo, you are an adragonist.