
English citations of alieniloquy


  1. (very rare) Rambling or evasive talk.
    Insufficient verifiable citations have been found for the word to be moved to the entry page.
    • [1730, N[athan] Bailey, “Alieni′loquy”, in Dictionarium Britannicum: Or A More Compleat Universal Etymological English Dictionary than Any Extant. [...], London: Printed by T. Cox [], →OCLC:
      Alieni′loquy [alieniloquium] a talking wide from the Purpoſe, or not to the Matter at hand.]
    • 1988, Tim Wynne-Jones, Fastyngange: A Novel (International Fiction List; 42), Toronto, Ont.: Lester & Orpen Dennys, →ISBN, page 87:
      Like an intravenous poison I kept topping her up. And then rain interrupted my alieniloquy.
    • [2007, Geoffrey G. O’Brien, “Alieniloquy”, in Green and Gray (New California Poetry; 20), Berkeley, Los Angeles, Calif., London: University of California Press, →ISBN, page 42:
      Alieniloquy [poem title] / Spots instead of points, / faint lines and flaws / where participations develop / and decisions get made, []]