Citations:all of the sudden

English citations of all of the sudden

  • 1816, Thomas Bayly Howell, A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High Treason and ...[1]:
    And it was given out by all her train, that she was going " As soon as she was gone, those about the queen did all of the sudden change her ...
  • 1834, James Mackintosh, History of the Revolution in England in 1688[2]:
    ...see so young a person all of the sudden, without consulting any one person, to be able to write so solid and learned a letter. ...
  • 1850, Gilbert Burnet, Bishop Burnet's History of His Own Time: From the Restoration of King ...[3]:
    ... and that both France and England would make war on them all of the sudden; for it was generally known that the Dutch fleet was in no good condition. ...
  • 1950, Shelby Foote, Follow Me Down[4]:
    Then all of the sudden I was; I was sleepy but I was fighting the sleep. And I knew why. I was fighting it because I was scared to meet Beulah: scared to ...
  • 1976, Bob Rusch, Cadence[5]:
    ...get rediscovered about every five years by somebody who had never heard of me before and didn't think that I could play and all of the sudden I am the new ...
  • 2000, Norman C. Stolzoff, Wake the Town & Tell the People: Dancehall Culture in Jamaica[6]:
    ... you to know that all of the sudden the music scene has taken a change. And men are discovering their positive orientation toward life and finding out ...
  • 2007, Maggie M. Morehouse, Fighting in the Jim Crow Army: Black Men and Women Remember World War II[7]:
    Bill Payne recalled: The terrain was really tricky. A flat stretch of beach maybe one hundred to two hundred yards, then all of the sudden you've got these ...