
English citations of antepaenultimate

  • 1894, Transactions of the Philological Society (B. Blackwell), pages 415⁽¹⁾ and 419⁽²⁾
    ⁽¹⁾ Since the Latin accent attaches itself to the long paenultimate or antepaenultimate syllable of a word, its correspondence with the metrical beats of a dactylic line tends to make all or many of the feet of the line end with the ending of the word, and leaves the line without these Caesuras, or divisions of words between the metrical feet, which weld the line into a graceful whole.
    ⁽²⁾ […] takes the accentuation of any ordinary word: circum-líttora for example having one (main) accent on the antepaenultimate syllable, like circumlítio, circumdúctio, circumspício.
  • 1997 January 5th, “Kjell Rehnstroem” (user name), alt.language.artificial (Usenet newsgroup), “Re: Naturalismo e schematicismo, un problema in linguas auxiliar”, Message ID: <5aokto$>
    […] and the exeptions show whether you are educated or not. Like _metryka_ (first syllable stressed and not the expected paenultimate). And this is incidentally the interlingua stress in similar words Interlingua _matematica_ (antepaenultimate, cf English _mathematics_ (where the second _a_ is stressed, if I’m not mistaken.)
  • 1997 April 17th, “Marianne Ahrne” (user name), rec.gardens.roses (Usenet newsgroup), “Re: Unusual colors”, Message ID: <5j5259$>#1/1
    It is a French rose with a French name, probably named for the hero of Racine’s Phedre. Even if it should be named after Hippolyte the amazon, and not Hippolytos of Euripides’ play Phaedra, the pronunciation would be very different from “hipoleytee”, in Greek and in French. The initial “h” is mute in both languages. In Greek the main stress falls on the antepaenultimate syllable, in French on the last syllable.