
English citations of antibioticked

  • 1958, Transactions of the…Meeting of the American Surgical Association LXXVI, page 4/2:
    This is not a serious defection, although to hear a resident say that “The patient was fluided up and antibioticked” is still jarring.
  • 1970, Jerome Irving Rodale (editor), Organic Gardening and Farming XVII, issues i–vi, page 79/2:
    Frozen zucchini squash (Walnut Acres), artichokes, berries and non-hormoned-or-antibioticked hamburger and turkey packages stood next to a honey-and-goats-milk ice cream, which Miss Duffield says is a popular seller.
  • 2008, Paul Andrew Williams, Soldier Blue, David Philip, →ISBN (10), →ISBN (13), page 194:
    I punctured sterile skin and antibioticked hundreds of patients.