
English citations of antique

ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1818Mary Shelley. Frankenstein.
    The father of their charge was one of those Italians nursed in the memory of the antique glory of Italy — one among the schiavi ognor frementi, who exerted himself to obtain the liberty of his country.
  • 1851Herman Melville. Moby Dick.
    Winding far down from within the very heart of this spiked Hotel de Cluny where we here stand — however grand and wonderful, now quit it; — and take your way, ye nobler, sadder souls, to those vast Roman halls of Thermes; where far beneath the fantastic towers of man's upper earth, his root of grandeur, his whole awful essence sits in bearded state; an antique buried beneath antiquities, and throned on torsoes!
    As for the book-binder's whale winding like a vine-stalk round the stock of a descending anchor — as stamped and gilded on the backs and title-pages of many books both old and new — that is a very picturesque but purely fabulous creature, imitated, I take it, from the like figures on antique vases.
    Whether to admit Hercules among us or not, concerning this I long remained dubious: for though according to the Greek mythologies, that antique Crockett and Kit Carson — that brawny doer of rejoicing good deeds, was swallowed down and thrown up by a whale; still, whether that strictly makes a whaleman of him, that might be mooted.

French citations of antique