
English citations of aro-allo and aroallo

Adjective: "(informal, neologism) aromantic and allosexual"

2020 2021
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2020, Angela Chen, Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex, page 130:
    It was always clear that my beliefs — that an aro-allo woman was independent while an aro-allo man was a fuckboy — were gendered stereotypes I should disavow.
  • 2020 April 28, Anny (@annyinacastle), Twitter[1]:
    I also write about aro-allo character[sic] in one of my stories and I struggle so much with his sexual attraction.
  • 2020 August 12, Transcendragon (@a_the_orange), Twitter[2]:
    It seems like aro-allo people often have distinct experiences and face distinct challenges.
  • 2020 August 22, Not here right now (@JoKingAuthor), Twitter[3]:
    Or you may be aro-allo and feel no need for deep connections. Sex with no strings attached is fine too.
  • 2021, Ian Stobaugh, "Experiences of an aromantic, not asexual", The Daily Eastern News (Eastern Illinois University), 12 October 2021, page 3:
    Aroallo people are not automatically hypersexual, nor are we predators.
  • 2021 September 25, Eri (@eriexplosion), Twitter[4]:
    Like there's tons of aroace people! That's true! There's also a lot of aro-allo people that either 1. Haven't even been introduced to aromanticism as an option because the aro community is seen as a subset of the ace community

Noun: "(informal, neologism) an aromantic and allosexual person"

2019 2021 2022
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2019 September 15, press y to honk (@ghostburritos), Twitter[5]:
    stop treating aroallos like they're just shitty people for being interested in sex and not romance 2k19
  • 2019 October 12, fionn (@elvashayam), Twitter[6]:
    SAMMME omg are you me. aroaces hsve their shit! i just love meeting other aroallos tho
  • 2021 October 14, Ace Girl (@acegirleatscake), Twitter[7]:
    Harmful stereotypes about aroallos is that “they want sex all the time” and they’re “hypersexual” when that’s just not true.
  • 2021 November 18, rowan (@PossiblyLeela), Twitter[8]:
    the way aroallos and aroaces are treated is absoutely horrible. aroallos are so incredibly demonised and/or their entire orientation erased, and that's not ok. aroaces are infantilised and our aroness erased, and that's not ok. this post to say that aros deserve better.
  • 2022 June 1, keris (@keropiji), Twitter[9]:
    please start including aroallos more. i see a lot of people assuming all aros are ace, which is frankly untrue and are harmful to both communities. it’s very hard to find aroallos in media too