Citations:asbeir do

Old Irish citations of asbeir do

‘to call’

  • c. 800, Wb. 15d20:
    combuisse ciasberthe peccatum di
    wherefore it is just that it should be called ‘peccatum.’
  • c. 800, Wb. 21c7:
    .i. comthinól innanóib asberr tempul doib hóre atreba crist indib
    i.e. the congregation of the saints, they are called ‘a temple,’ since Christ dwelleth in them
  • c. 845, Sg. 3b6:
    .i. ɔepertar doib ylementa
    i.e. so that they are called elementa
  • c. 845, Sg. 73b8:
    .i. bit dechomsuidigthi asbertar mad hed insin asberthat díib
    i.e. they will be called decomposita, if that be said of them
  • c. 850, Tur. 110e:
    .i. is airi asberthe emisarius don buc stóridiu .i. airindí asfóite fon díthrub
    i.e. ’tis for this that the historical he-goat used to be called emissarius, i.e. because it used to be sent to the desert
  • c. 875, Ml. 14d13:
    .i. conid sain int hí dianaiperr impius ⁊ peccator híc
    i.e. the persons called impius and peccator here are different
  • c. 875, Ml. 55c17:
    .i. ainm maicc asbered saul dúduaid
    i.e. Saul used to call David by the name of son
  • c. 875, Ml. 114a2:
    .i. apro[no]men asber tuum .i. as dudia teit lesom anisin
    i.e. the pronoun which is called tuum, i.e. that that applies to God with him
  • c. 875, Ml. 114a7:
    .i. plebs dei asṅdanbertheni ón
    i.e. we used to be called plebs Dei
  • c. 875, Ml. 123c8:
    is airi asbertar prímgeindi dosuidib huare saithraigte in doini friu ⁊ noscar[a]t amal chlanda ⁊ ní amal gnímu
    therefore are they called first-born, because men labour at them, and love them like children and not like works
  • Ml. = Milan Glosses on the Psalms, published in Thes. 1:7–483.
  • Sg. = St. Gall Glosses on Priscian, published in Thes. 2:49–224.
  • Thes. = Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus (1901–03, Cambridge University Press; reprinted 1975, 1987, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies), edited and with translations by Whitley Stokes and John Strachan, 2 vols.
  • Tur. = Turin Glosses and Scholia on S. Mark, published in Thes. 1:484–94.
  • Wb. = Würzburg Glosses on the Pauline Epistles, published in Thes. 1:499–712.