
English citations of autergic

  • 1913 September 15th, Huntly Carter, “The Stone Citizen” in The New Freewoman: An Individualist Review, ed. Dora Marsden, volume I (1967, Kraus Reprint Corporation), № 7, 135/1:
    Our Toymaker sought to solve the mystery. He found that the Civic gases operating upon wood had petrified it, and in awakening the civic consciousness had placed the city upon the Stone Citizen’s back and fastened it there with civic rights, duties, theories, ideas, thoughts, and ideals both Autergic and Eupsychic (to use our Toymaker’s very words), doubly secured it with discipline and authority, set the Citizen oscillating in and reacting upon a narrow circumscribed environment, and had indeed so crushed out of the Stone Citizen the eternal elements of existence that he had completely lost all sense of the Universal. Civics had in fact annihilated Cosmics.