
English citations of baby-killer

  • 1943, The Sussex County Magazine, volume 8, page 413:
    The guarding "Baby Killers" or corbels, upon either side, are most impressive.
Someone who is pro-abortion, or an abortionist
  • 1999, William F. Harrison, There is a bomb in Gilead: tales from an uncivil war, page 14:
    Dr. Dotty of the Magnificent Seven shakes his head, looking at the jar in his hand, "How can they go to that baby killer to let him deliver their baby?
  • 2003, Pamala L. Griset, Sue Mahan, Terrorism in Perspective, page 111:
    Every Pro-Life person should commit to destroying at least one death camp, or disarming at least one baby killer.
  • 2005, Glenn Feldman, Politics and Religion in the White South:
    For many Catholic lay folks, it is a package deal, because for them, the GOP is, first and foremost, the defender of innocent life from Democratic “baby killers.”
  • 2008, Vivienne Sanders, Access to History:
    These anti-life baby killers are already organising, working and raising money to re-elect pro-abortionists like George McGovern.
  • 2009, Josephine A.V. Allen, Hanes Walton, Donald R. Deskins, Letters to President Obama:
    First of all how can a country elect a pro-death baby killer? You have consistently said that you would pass the worst act ever created, the Freedom of Choice Act.
  • 2010, Angelo M. Schell, Emotional: My Day to Day Book of Bipolar Poetry, page 41:
    The baby is fully developed then the baby killers use a tool that burns and dismantles the unborn child piece by piece.
  • 2011, Tom O’Donnell, The Spirit of America Party, page 71:
    The baby killers who label pro lifers as insensitive self righteous bastards are masking the disease.
  • 2012, Daniel C. Merrill M.D., Escape from Chaos:
    In fact, if the liberals weren't careful, this bunch of baby-killers would end up aborting so many black fetuses that African Americans, for all practical purposes, would cease to be a factor in American politics
  • 2016, Michael Newton, White Robes and Burning Crosses:
    Men such as Paul Hill are heroes for eliminating baby killers and saving the lives of unborn beautiful white babies.
A Soldier, especially one who served in Viet Nam
  • 2005, Samuel C. Crawford, Brownwater III, page 411:
    Here comes the green military bus filled with baby killers.
  • 2011, Wes Harvey, A Most Unusual Life, page 93:
    But I, today, recognizing myself as an old, former unwelcomed baby killer with little connection to the present, still know that at one time, long ago, I stood before the son of one of the great Generals who made our life what it is today.
  • 2014, Jamie Marich, Trauma Made Simple:
    The words in her parting letter pierced like any bullet: ““I've given it a lot of thought, and I just don't think I can marry a twice-decorated baby killer.”
Long-range Zeppelin bomber
  • 2014, C. Michael Hiam, Dirigible Dreams: The Age of the Airship, page 199:
    The pocket airship, just half the size of the wartime zeppelins, was no “baby-killer,” and its innocuous flights gave hope to Luftschiffbau employees that their vocation had a future.
Military Submarine
  • 2014, Chris Dubbs, America's U-Boats: Terror Trophies of World War I, page 116:
    As soon as word flashed that the sub was entering the harbor, a wild scramble for places of vantage ensued, everybody in Sandusky apparently wanting to see the “baby-killer” dock.
A preparation for soothing infants that contains opiates
  • 1910, The Ohio Journal of Commerce - Volume 2, page 229:
    Sale of "baby killers” will be prohibited in Ohio if the general assembly enacts proposed legislation which has been approved _by the State Pharmaceutical Association.
  • 1913, The Ladies' Home Journal - Volume 30, page 58:
    All that the Government could do was to make the manufacturers take the word “harmless” from their labels and make them tell the truth about the quantity of opiates that the “baby killers” contained.
  • 1915, West Virginia. Dept. of Health, Report, page 137:
    According to the United States government chemists, the public is warned against the following "baby killers" otherwise known as soothing syrups.
  • 1917, The Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society - Volume 14, page 69:
    Mrs. Edward's Infant Syrup, a “baby killer,” containing morphin and alcohol.
  • 1921, American Medical Association, Arthur Joseph Cramp, Nostrums and Quackery:
    Kopp's Baby's Friend.— Over 2,000 bottles of this "baby killer" were seized by the government.
  • 1921, Pennsylvania Medical Journal (1897-1923). - Volume 24, page 338:
    Again, let the physician look into the matter at the drug store he patronizes, asking the proprietor to eliminate all of the “Baby Killers” from his stock.