Citations:baillie brushkie

English citations of baillie brushkie


  • 1873, Report on the Prybilov Group, Or, Seal Islands, of Alaska (United States Department of the Treasury), page 28:
    Mr. Elliott says, “So effectually do these birds secrete their eggs in the deep recesses of cliff crevices and chinks that I was unable to obtain more than four perfect specimens, although several hundred ‘baillie-brushkies’ were breeding on the []


identical to the above citation except that it is good for citing the alternative spelling (many more editions exist with each spelling):
  • 1875, A Report Upon the Condition of Affairs in the Territory of Alaska, page 206:
    Mr. Elliott says, "So effectually do these birds secrete their eggs in the deep recesses of cliff crevices and chinks that I was unable to obtain more than four perfect specimens, although several hundred ‘baillie brushkies’ were breeding on the []
  • 1898, Henry W. Elliott, a work published in the United States Congressional serial set, issue 3578, page 223:
    36. Phaleris psittacula. Parroquet Auk; "Baillie Brushkie."
    Like Simorhynchus cristatellus, it will breed in company with the "choochkie," but will not follow that lively relative back upon the uplands, for the "baillie brushkie" is always found on the shore line, and there only.
  • 1957, Roger Tory Peterson, The Bird Watcher's Anthology, page 216:
    While standing on the bird cliffs I remembered an aquatint sketch that H. W. Elliott made eighty-one Julys earlier, a galaxy of oreels (red-faced cormorants), chikies (glaucous-winged gulls), baillie brushkies (paroquet auklets), canooskies (crested auklets), choochkies (least auklets), and arries (murres).