
English citations of baldcel

Noun: "(incel slang) an incel whose status is attributed to baldness or hair loss"

ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2020, Małgorzata Waśniewska, "The Red Pill, Unicorns and White Knights: Cultural Symbolism and Conceptual Metaphor in the Slang of Online Incel Communities", in Cultural Conceptualizations in Language and Communication (Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk), page 67:
    For instance, a baldcel is a man considered unattractive because of his hair loss, []
  • 2020, anonymous, quoted in Emma Nyström, "'What becomes of the broken-hearted?': En socialantropologisk studie om männen som kallar sig incels", thesis submitted to Lund University, page 29:
    Women only see chad. They don't see the local Indian janitor, the oldcel librarian, the suicidal baldcel receptionist or lonely NEETcel, they don't even consider them as human []