
English citations of belongingly

Adverb: "in a manner characteristic of belonging"

1961 1970 1980 1988 2010
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1961, John Berry, Flight of White Crows: Stories, Tales, and Paradoxes, Macmillan (1961), page 183:
    To the man who stands belongingly in this continuum, no event that may be predicated of him is inappropriate.
  • 1970, Murray N. Rothbard, Power & Market: Government and the Economy, Ludwig von Mises Institute (2006), →ISBN, page 272:
    For there is nothing, in a free society, to prevent those who wish from going off in separate communities and living primitively and “belongingly.”
  • 1980, Judith Green, Winners, Alfred A. Knopf (1980), →ISBN, page 79:
    How wonderful that the kids can now belongingly scribble their names []
  • 1988, Arlene James, The Discerning Heart, Silhouette Books (1988), →ISBN, page 152:
    Somewhere in the middle of it all Tyler swept Cheyenne into his arms and kissed her hard and possessively on the mouth, and her body reacted instantly with a moist, warm flooding of desire, and she kissed him back, clingingly, belongingly.
  • 2010, John Barnshaw, White's Corner, Matador (2010), →ISBN, page 243:
    "And not over yet" he said, putting his arm around her waist as they strolled back to the car, which brought Bob back to her mind. His arm had been there belongingly thousands of times.