English citations of bidar

Noun: "(slang) the ability to detect whether or not a person is bisexual by observing that person"

1993 1996 1998 1999 2000 2001 2006 2011 2012 2013
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1993 December 26, hrpafm [username], “My Bidar works! Yippee!!!”, in soc.bi[1] (Usenet):
    I went to a christmas party on the 23rd and found that almost everyone in my predominantly straight social circles who I had ever wondered about being bi had turned up.

    Suffice to say that I now believe I have working Bidar.
  • 1996 January 9, Norah Ashe, “Re: Bi Symbol? Is there one?”, in soc.bi[2] (Usenet):
    My bidar, alas, is a bit too sensitively wired. I seem to locate all the people who can acknowledge a bi attraction but are too timid to act on it.
  • 1998 August 2, STella [username], “Re: Tom Cruise to fuck Nicole Kidman!”, in alt.religion.scientology[3] (Usenet):
    Now Nicole's just about always pinged my bidar, []
  • 1999 August 27, Ravy, “Re: What I like”, in soc.bi[4] (Usenet):
    I'm attracted to a guy, saying he is straight (and he is currently "occupied" with a girlfriend). But sometimes I get a slight beep in my bidar.
  • 1999 October 22, Kay Dekker, “Re: crush server redux”, in soc.bi[5] (Usenet):
    Though I _think_ he's straight: but then my bidar isn't always running at 100%.
  • 2000 March 13, Christopher Scott Gerkey, “Re: What if Xander starts experimenting with...”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer[6] (Usenet):
    Just want to say that in "The Wish" alt.Xander stroked the chest of a human guy strapped to the pool table in the Bronze. There were a couple other moments that pinged my bidar as well.
  • 2001 October 5, Ann Burlingham, “Re: "Death to the non-existent alt.poly cabal!" (was Re: individual”, in alt.polyamory[7] (Usenet):
    My bidar sucks. Another reason for flirting with absolutely everyone. Okay, everyone except straight men. (My bidar may suck, but straight guys are hard to miss.)
  • 2006, Nicole Krista & Mike Szymanski, The Bisexual's Guide to the Universe: Quips, Tips, and Lists for Those Who Go Both Ways, Alyson Books (2006), →ISBN, page 131:
    Bi people hang in straight places a lot, and given that you are also bi, they will probably stand out to you in an indescribable, nonverbal way. And that, my friend, is bidar.
  • 2011, Jess C. Scott, Catholic School Girls Rule, JessINK (2011), unnumbered page:
    She didn't know that Brett and Marc had pretty good bidars too—bidars being a combination of 'bisexual' and 'radar', to refer to the purported intuitive or sensing ability to identify other bisexuals []
  • 2012, Matt Posner & Jess C. Scott, Teen Guide to Sex and Relationships, jessINK (2012), unnumbered page:
    If you're observant and intuitive, you might be able to pick up that a person is more attracted to and “into” their own gender (some people call his[sic] an internal gaydar or bidar that can detect if a person is gay or bisexual).
  • 2013, Shiri Eisner, Bi: Notes for a Bisexual Revolution, Seal Press (2013), →ISBN, unnumbered page:
    Of course, not all bisexuals are recognizable, and many will easily defy the bidar, whereas others will appear to be bisexuals without actually identifying as bi.