
English citations of bigotocracy

  • 1994 November 18, Travis Kidd, “Re: Reverse Discrimination”, in bit.listserv.politics[1] (Usenet):
    [> > The bigots of the Jim Crow days thought they had good reasons, too.]
    As if you are so sure that we have ever lived in a bigotocracy.
  • 2001 February 4, ian potter, “Re: Reverse Discrimination”, in uk.misc[2] (Usenet):
    Actually, Alex, he had a go at LIBRARIANS, who, of course, are well known sponsors of the liberal bigotocracy and large print reading books.
  • 2007 June 26, Mścisław Wojna-Bojewski, “Re: Linguist/Consultant Needed”, in sci.lang[3] (Usenet):
    I might have my Issues with Americans, but I certainly very much prefer them to your benighted bigotocracy.
  • 2017 August 12, Michael Eric Dyson, “Charlottesville and the Bigotocracy”, in New York Times[4]:
    Together they constitute the repulsive resurgence of a virulent bigotocracy. ¶ This bigotocracy overlooks fundamental facts about slavery in this country: that blacks were stolen from their African homeland to toil for no wages in American dirt.
  • 2018 June, Michael Eric Dyson, What Truth Sounds Like: Robert F. Kennedy, James Baldwin, and Our Unfinished Conversation About Race in America, page 70:
    Together, Trump and white nationalists constitute the repulsive resurgence of a virulent bigotocracy, a loosely organized confederate of white racists who seek to institutionalize their ideology as national habit, social custom, cultural convention, and, when possible, legal bulwark.