
English citations of bioessentialism

Noun: "the philosophy that biology plays a larger role in determining human psychology or development than social, economic, or environmental factors"

2000 2012 2017 2018 2019
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2000, Paul Gilroy, Against Race: Imagining Political Culture Beyond The Color Line, page 266:
    Here the ghetto-centric individualism of the poor appears to have defeated the convenient bioessentialism of the elite.
  • 2012, Christine Ferguson, Determined Spirits: Eugenics, Heredity and Racial Regeneration in Anglo-American Spiritualist Writing, 1848-1930, page 2:
    [] this book investigates a Spiritualist ethos dedicated, not to indeterminacy, but to bioessentialism, racial and hereditary determinism, and the prenatal fixity of character.
  • 2017, Des Fitzgerald, Tracing Autism: Uncertainty, Ambiguity, and the Affective Labor of Neuroscience, page 33:
    This kind of generalized bioessentialism—“it has to be a brain thing”—was certainly prevalent in my conversations with autism researchers.
  • 2017, Joel Lucyszyn, "Invisi-Bi-lity: the erasure of bisexual identity", Varsity (Cambridge University), 29 September 2017, page 27:
    Without prying into the usual bioessentialism and gender binary in Freud, we can easily see where one of the main modern bierasury thought patterns comes from: that bisexuality is a 'middle ground' before 'fully coming out', or that the person is 'indecisive'; as Sandra Bernhard puts it: 'Lots of people think that bisexual means cowardly lesbian'.
  • 2018, Mary Robertson, Growing Up Queer: Kids and the Remaking of LGBTQ Identity, page 11:
    As the evidence provided throughout this book shows, the ideas and challenges to bioessentialism that have been articulated by the queer movement are successfully disrupting normative ideas about sexuality and gender among youth of Spectrum.
  • 2018, Mel Ferrara & Monica J. Casper, "Genital Alteration and Intersex: a Critical Analysis", Sociocultural Issues and Epidemiology:
    How can we talk about differences of sexual development without defaulting to language that is seen and experienced as pathologizing and rooted in bioessentialism?
  • 2019, Janis Jin, "On Lesbians and Dicks", The Yale Herald (Yale University), 15 February 2019, page 9:
    We see here how Jeffreys' definition of political lesbian as lesbian separatism––the politics of disavowing "men," an urge I myself have certainly experienced––opens itself to an all-too-easy coalescence of lesbian politics, bioessentialism, and transphobia.
  • 2019, Samantha Bedford, "Jordan Peterson: Intellectual Or Imposter?", On Dit (University of Adelaide), March 2019, page 37:
    Peterson's bioessentialism appeals to the spurned white man, cognizant of his financial and marital insecurity - his lack of social prominence is not his own fault, but due to the perversion of nature by the principle of egalitarianism, and without the demasculinating force of feminism, he could reach his full predestined potential.
  • 2019, Russell Powell & Eric Scarffe, "Rehabilitating 'Disease': Function, Value, and Objectivity in Medicine", Philosophy of Science, Volume 86, Number 5, December 2019, page 1170:
    Yet, despite this common (mis)reading of Boorse, his theory is not at odds with the received view that species are individuals (rather than natural kind classes), nor is it in tension with the developmental biological rejection of bioessentialism.