
English citations of birdsweet

Adjective: "(poetic, rare) sweet-sounding, dulcet, as of birdsong"

1922 1999 2009
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1922, James Joyce, Ulysses, Episode 1:
    He capered before them down towards the fortyfoot hole, fluttering his winglike hands, leaping nimbly, Mercury's hat quivering in the fresh wind that bore back to them his brief birdsweet cries.
  • 1999, Gina Berriault, The Great Petrowski, Counterpoint (1999), →ISBN, page 21:
    A soprano, her voice was birdsweet and passionate, and she possessed her own lustrous reputation.
  • 2009, Ben Gehrels, "The Lovesong of Mr. Charles Faxa", The Writer's Block, Issue #2, page 8:
    Speech paused momentarily on Faxa's lips as he pondered her birdsweet notes in smoky silence.