
English citations of blogorrhea

Noun: "excessive, compulsive, or stream-of-consciousness blogging, especially over trivial matters"

2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2002, Glenn Fleishman, "Been 'Blogging'? Web Discourse Hits Higher Level", in We've Got Blog: How Weblogs Are Changing Our Culture (ed. John Rodzvilla), Perseus Publishing (2002), →ISBN, page 109:
    I started blogging in November 2000 and quickly developed blogorrhea, a condition that can be cured only by more of the disease, and the imposition of a kind of external discipline on a writer that depends on the growth of actual readers of one's blog.
  • 2004, Paul McFedries, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Creating a Web Page & Blog, Alpha Books (2004), →ISBN, page 237:
    Most blogs fail because beginning bloggers don't understand that it's difficult to come up with new content day in and day out. Sure, it's easy enough to post a "Didn't do anything today" lament or a "Don't feel like writing today" sigh. But post too much of this content-free blogorrhea—or, sin of sins in the blogging community, don't post at all for long periods—and your blog is as good as dead.
  • 2004, James Wolcott, "The Laptop Brigade", Vanity Fair, 1 April 2004:
    Are we in danger of drowning in blogorrhea? Of being swamped like Bob Hope and Jackie Gleason at the end of How to Commit Marriage in chin-high sludge? Only a few years ago blogs-short for Web logs, frequently updated journals that source other blogs and Web sites-were tiny blips on the computer screen, aquarium bubbles.
  • 2005, Jeremy Caplan, "Messengers of Cool", Time, 24 October 2005:
    What's next for those who want to be ahead of the curve? For Spear, one goal is to cut through the clutter of blogorrhea to create an all encompassing digital destination for people with discerning taste.
  • 2006, Michael Idov, "How Sweet Is It?", New York, 1 May 2006:
    It’s a surprisingly robust masthead, considering that the entire operation produces about 1,500 words a day—barely a peep in the days of unrelieved blogorrhea and Web-wide word bloat.
  • 2007, Edie Bloom, The Immaculate Complexion, Leisure Books (2007), →ISBN, page 130:
    One thing was for sure: Kendra had a bad case of blogorrhea.
  • 2008, Jeremy Caplan, "Haiku Nation", Time, 21 August 2008:
    Short is in. Online Americans, fed up with e-mail overload and blogorrhea, are retreating into micro-writing. Six-word memoirs. Four-word film reviews. Twelve-word novels. Mini-lit is thriving.
  • 2009, Dennis Baron, A Better Pencil: Readers, Writers, and the Digital Revolution, Oxford University Press (2009), →ISBN, page 166:
    Not every blogger writes confessional kiss-and-tell posts or records the dinner menu—the blogosphere is not all blogorrhea and mystery meat.
  • [2010 November 11, Ben Zimmer, “Web”, in The New York Times Magazine[1]:
    Blog soon begat a whole new generation of techno-neologisms in the blogosphere, where bloggers compile blogrolls, celebrate blogiversaries and suffer from blogorrhea.]