
English citations of bluehair and blue hair

Noun: "(slang, derogatory or humorous) an elderly person, especially a woman or one viewed as senile, old-fashioned, or out-of-touch. "

1997 2006 2010 2011 2019
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  • 1997, Karin Vonesh, "Who are the worst drivers of all?", Southwords (Maine South High School, Park Ridge, IL), Volume 34, Issue 7, 19 December 1997, page 3:
    I have memories from a young age in which my father is yelling about "blue hairs" and their inability to drive. And everyone remembers that scene in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" in which the old lady cannot see over the steering wheel and is swerving down the road.
  • 2006, Samantha Campos, "This Week's Picks", Maui Time Weekly, 30 November 2006, page 24:
    [] eventually working his way to opening for the Beach Boys and Tom Jones—and oh, those panty-throwing blue hairs loved our Bumatai!
  • 2010, John L. Smith, "Reporter's Notebook, 2020", Desert Companion, January/February 2020, page 31:
    By 2020, that “fossil-rich” designation defines Sun City, where visitors are admonished not to feed the endangered and irascible Blue Hairs.
  • 2010, Matt Prigge, Orlando review, Philadelphia Weekly, 4 August 2010 - 10 August 2010, page 32 (approx.):
    It does, however, retain the book's sly inquiry into gender and sexual politics, slipping queer cinema past the bluehairs that once made it an art-house hit.
  • 2011, Lola Newmar, Devlin's Beast (page 33)
    He'd recently swiped the little orange bottle of OxyContin from the old hag he often watched on Tuesday nights when her cold, indifferent middle-aged daughter played bingo with the other bluehairs from the strip-mall salon she frequented.
  • 2019, Dan Bain, "Dining Ouch", Midtown Magazine, July/August 2016, page 37:
    Even more especially when shouted in front of a group of post-church blue hairs sitting nearby.
  • 2019, Chris O'Neill, quoted in Jordan Bradley, "Do Something Different: Try These Alternative Recreation Options", Encore (Michigan), June 2019, page 25:
    “Anyone can join,” O'Neill says. “We have age ranges from children to blue hairs.”
  • 2019, Tony Cianci, "Letter From Tony Cianci", Full Throttle Magazine, October 2019, page 8:
    Be sure to be safe while riding and watch out for the snowbirds and blue hairs that will be flocking to the area the next few months.

Noun: "(slang, derogatory) a young or naive supporter of social-justice causes"

2019 2020 2021 2022
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  • 2019 September 29, Pitt Griffin (@pittgriffin), Twitter[1]:
    Trump is demolishing America's institutions - including the media FAKE, FAKE, FAKE - and this chucklehead is worried about offending a bluehair.
  • 2019 November 14, Random Bloke (@bloke255), Twitter[2]:
    The policy seems to be driven by the activism of the bluehairs & trenders - who represent the 'youth' of both Labour and the Lib Dems - rather than the actual needs of transsexuals and women.
  • 2020 January 17, @ConfettiPixie, Twitter[3]:
    he just rly wants to punish the bluehairs with woke degrees, forgetting that most people are just average people who just wanted to do the right thing
  • 2020 July 14, NiceMarmotwithacervix(itsawomanthang) (@janeloe3), Twitter[4]:
    We said goodbye to kind when the woke bluehairs started dehumanising women and erasing our language.
  • 2020 December 11, Anon who hates eugenics (@eugenicskun), Twitter[5]:
    So wait, their objection to you is that you're TOO COMMIE? Like, the archetypical leftist in a conservative's mind is a bluehair who is obsessive about sexual politics and every fad. It's not an undeserved reputation, but you're very much not that. These guys are out of touch.
  • 2021 January 18, hassiktirbok (@UQSKnotme), Twitter[6]:
    Americans thinking it was based to worship capitalism to own the bluehairs while bitching about big tech silencing them was so embarrassing.
  • 2021 April 13, YAF KSU (@YAFKSU), Twitter[7]:
    Anyone notice how all the bluehairs who claim they want to start a revolution are terrified of guns. What are you fighting this "communist revolution" with....... hugs????
  • 2021 December 7, Fan26 (@Fan26_America), Twitter[8]:
    Being a cis man and not emasculating yourself is misogynistic to the bluehairs
  • 2021 December 14, Spelljammer (@Spelljammer101), Twitter[9]:
    Wait till the woke bluehairs find out about "Never Be Rude To An Arab" by Monty Python.
  • 2022 March 24, TAFKAMacM (@TAFKAMacM), Twitter[10]:
    There's a sizeable cohort of gullible bluehairs who'd protest outside a lake if someone told them carp were an anti-trans hate group.
  • 2022 April 22, Mike of the North (@packersmike), Twitter[11]:
    This guy [Ron DeSantis] triggers the bluehairs as well as Trump while also being an intelligent, well-spoken human being and shrewd politician. Can't wait til he's in the white house.