Citations:bone in her teeth

English citations of bone in her teeth

  • 21st century, in Classic Sailing:
    A wonderful expression from the sailing days of old where ships under a full press of canvas would push the seas aside with a great white bow wave on either side. If they were coming straight at you, they would look a bit like an exuberant, happy dog with a "bone in their teeth."
  • 21st century, in Sea Talk Nautical Dictionary:
    The appearance of a boat sailing with exhilarating speed so as to create a prominent bow wave; as in: "Look at that ketch go! She’s got a bone in her teeth!" (The image comes to mind of a dog, merrily running with a bone.)
  • February 12, 2015, in Adrift in a Sea of Procurement in Esprit De Corps magazine:
    [photo caption] One of the Halifax-Class frigates with a 'bone in her teeth.'