
English citations of byhanger

A hanger-on
  • 1550, Pietro Martire Vermigli, A discourse or traictise of Petur Martyr Vermilla Flore[n]tine, the publyque reader of diuinitee in the Vniuersitee of Oxford wherein he openly declared his whole and determinate iudgemente concernynge the sacrament of the Lordes supper in the sayde Vniuersitee.:
    The moste part that are maynteyners and defendours of this sentence, dooe agree that they are but as byhangers, and dooe remayne withoute a subiecte.
  • 1626 quoted in 1856, Jerome Horsey, Russia at the close of the sixteenth century:
    Sir Jerom Bowes offers to prove it by one Finch, a by-hanger of his.
An appendage
  • 1581, James Bell, Against Ierome Osorius Byshopp of Siluane:
    How many byhangers do you couple to this uniforme & common creed?