English citations of carry

  • 1900 December 26th, Viator (pseudonym?), “The Polish Danger” (Letter to the Editor) in The Times, № 36,342 (Thursday 3rd January 1901), page 5/6:
    It must not be thought that all parties alike in Prussia approve of the “blood and iron” policy of the Government, which appears directly ungrateful, after the Poles have by their votes, freely given, enabled the Emperor to carry his Navy Bill. Dr. Delbrück some years ago, in the Preussische Jahrbücher, pointed out strongly the impolicy of systematically abalienating the one Slav race, a race of soldiers, whose support will be most valuable when the long-expected struggle comes about between Germans and Russians. Why, so he asks, deliberately drive the Poles into the arms of Russia?

Chinese citations of carry

to contribute disproportionately

  • 2019, 木鎷紫柃, 流星少女 Meteorlass[1], page 160:
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)

to master; to be suited to

  • 2014, 美麗媽, 鮑美麗, 唐狗尾笑女——鮑美麗[2], page 153:
    A bob haircut is not something that everyone could master
  • 2016, 港股策略王: issue 59 猴年心水股解碼[3], page 12:
    With a tall stature, Bernice is definitely suited to her long coat, and she looks exceptionally stylish when wearing it.
  • 2016, 于日辰(小姓奴), 倫敦金[4], page 223:
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  • 2017, 離奇家遮, 口耳相傳的香港鬼故事──唸唸‧不忘[5], page 112:
    Different people may have different views on whether he could master these fashion styles, but he is definitely following the changes really closely.
  • 2018, 佬訊, 列佬傳[6], page 50:
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  • 2021, 孤泣, 世界上沒有鬼[7], page 119:
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  • 2018, Prof. Peanut, 大學秘聞 University Secrets[8], page 140:
    "Is it really that great buying branded items? After all one still lacks the ability to master it.

to master; to handle well; to have to ability of

  • 2016, 伊維特, 什麼都不是Unclassified[9], page 16:
    Making prank phone calls is a good idea, but one must be able to master it before using it.
  • 2021, 邱益忠, Startup公關教你初創成功學[10], page 137:
    "The movements should not be too difficult, otherwise the hosts may be too tired to do them, or the viewers may not be able to perform them well.