
English citations of cattitude

Noun: "(humorous) the attitude of a cat"

2011 2013 2014 2015
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2011, M. R. Wells, Connie Fleishauer, & Dottie Adams, The Cat Lover's Devotional, Harvest House Publishers (2011), →ISBN, page 64:
    It took a lot of Rosie and Ernie to forgive their "bad cattitude" kitty.
  • 2013, Rohini Singh, Free Fall: The Journey Home, Hay House Publishers (2013), →ISBN, unnumbered page:
    Rani, the cat, was a different ball game. She liked to keep her distance, had considerable cattitude, and preferred to live in a world of her own. She loved (and lived) her name – the queen, the royal one.
  • 2014, Kathleen M. Downey, Legendary Locals of Newburyport, Legendary Locals (2014), →ISBN, page 18:
    He adjusted to domesticated life remarkably well, retaining his regal feral “cattitude.”
  • 2015, Mike McMahan, Warped: An Engaging Guide to the Never-Aired 8th Season, Gallery Books (2015), →ISBN, unnumbered page:
    Wes ignores him: the cats have eaten all the organic matter in his quarters, and now they're moving through the halls looking for more tasty treats. Data and Wesley need to stop them from multiplying, or the ship is going to be overrun in classic tribble fashion, only this time with claws and cattitude.