
English citations of chartre

Noun: obsolete form of charter

1413 1597
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • Unknown, The Early English Versions of the Gesta Romanorum, page #72:
    When Plebius2 herd withe a fals chartre in his honde, to þe hous of the dede man) ; and þere he putte a seal in the hond of the dede man), & seid to þe witnesses, “ loo ! now, sers, for ye shul bere witnesse how þis knyght shal seal my chartre with his owne hondis ; þerfore beth my witnesses, as I accorded with you.”
  • 1413, Pylgremage of the Sowle, page #42:
    And elles ſhe was auyſed that thou ſholdeſt haue had eternal punyſsſhement, of whiche thou art relecyd : ſpecyally by vertue of thy chartre of pardon, and the lytel forſet of Treſour, whiche mercy brought from heuene.
  • 1597, Annals of Cambridge, Volume II., page #573:
    Whereuppon (seinge that wilfull breache of our chartre still practised by molestinge diverse priviledged persons with like summons nowe this last Cessions) I thought meete to make challenge of our Immunitie in that behalfe, yet privatelie, and in milde manner, with petition made to have priviledged persons in trespasses of that qualitie dismissed that Court.